Monday, June 21, 2010

Week Twelve: FINAL ASSIGNMENT-- Psalm 139

If you've been reading the CYL Daily Bible, then you read Psalm 139. This psalm/prayer is such a deep reflection of a person's life who knows who and whose they are!

This week, please journal about these questions: What is my purpose in life? Am I achieving my purpose--even in this quarter/group? Am I running a good race? Do I have the understanding that my past is a part of my purpose? Have I accepted what I can and cannot do? Am I willing to live a life of excellence? Do I know what God has asked me to do and am I doing it?

Or...are you stubbornly waiting, fighting with entitlement, or buried under discouragement? Let's move forward together.

We will read Psalm 139 together to spur us on. Next week, victory stories--and we have many!

Be encouraged,



  1. Great questions! I wrote out my answers this morning in my journal and gained some insights. The first ? stumps me since, I am on a new journey being an empty nester. More and more through daily prayer and CYL bible reading God is disclosing my purpose. Generally it seems to me that my purpose is to encourage others to keep the faith, to walk with Christ, to pray out ceasing. How that works more specifically needs some more exploration. I am here, in this group, to explore all the possibilities God has put before me. Looking forward to the call.

  2. I just had to post even though I already did. Since I posted that my purpose is to be an encourager 3 people used that phrase with me. I have used what I am learning in this group and passing it on. A month ago, I had a conversation with woman about making small changes that have big results, this person called me to day to say how encouraged she was talking to me and that she had taken the tip "Don't drink calories" to her weight support group and all the ladies in the group lost weight this last week just doing the don't eat calories. This was a stranger who I gave my number to thinking she might like to join our group.
    I loved how Becky read Psalm 139 and we got to experience how God speaks to us. I am going to do this with my bible study next week. Pretty powerful! I am also using these questions with my son, who is feeling a bit lost this summer. I am so jazzed over these questions that I find it hard not to share my answers with you. Any thoughts?

  3. Still struggling with this. I know I wasnt put here for endless stress but it doesnt seem to go away.
    Most of the time, but I give in too easily and fail to rely on faith.
    Yes, I can look back and see where things have led or been used by God. Having had type I diabetes 40 years, I can see how God has used it to His glory as I help others.

    Tough for me. Been mistreated by a church when setting out to use my spiritual gifts. The situation was not handled Biblically, and according to the people involved, God's answers for the situation were muddy and unclear. (God doesnt author confusion). This has discouraged me, but also caused me to return to a group where I know I really belong.

    I know I often sound like a very broken record, but I really am struggling with my purpose. I can see the threads, and hear Godly marching orders in small bits, but still have not a good grasp on what they really are for me. The quarters with Becky have taught me to keep striving in areas of weakness.

    PS We are walking every single night, I still struggle with eating. I have been depressed and not eating well. I certainly have been shopping my closet more, and am good at planning my days and month at a glance.

    Blessings to the group.......thanks to Becky.

  4. PS I answered most of the questions but it cut off my actual typing of the actual question....
    I also failed to mention, I have lost too much weight due to not eating or taking time to eat.

  5. Robbie: Awesome, about giving info to a total stranger. And yes, you are encouraging!
    I had to mention we had a very new age speaker at our arthritis support group. I was able to take what he was discussing, and turn it back to what Becky has been talking about. We are not allowed to discuss 'religion' in the group, but I simply said it was a Christian life coaching program. At least one person responded and said they may come over to see what Becky is doing (quarter three).

  6. One of the greatest "purpose" resetters (something that will pull or grab us back to a spiritual confidence), is prayer. Whether is it a spiritual breathing prayer (useful when things are spinning out of control) such as "Breathe in Holy Spirit, breathe out anxiety or fear or anger" OR taking time each day to journal and "right" a sinking or wavering ship, God Himself longs to hold our hands and love on us when we need Him.

    Be encouraged,


  7. Becky: Our pastor is in Hebrews 11, discussing faith and walking in it.
    But I am having such a hard time praying because the answers are just not coming right now at all.
    He mentioned that we think God is moving slow, when God is God and moving in His time.
    Of course, I know all that.
    But I have tried the help prayer, the long prayer etc and just am struggling so much.
    I'm just identifying with the Psalms which ask God if He has turned his back...
    Thank you for your help.
    You mean so much to all of us.

  8. These questions could be asked daily as a process to stay on track with God's plan for my life. Something happened with my engaged daughter yesterday, that made me ask the ? " Have I excepted what I can and cannot do?" From my response, to my daughter, it was obvious that I hadn't excepted my limitations. So I am on my knees praying to God for direction and boundaries.
    Becky, your excerpt above makes such good sense. I printed it out to read anytime I sense that I am spinning out of control. Breathe on me Holy Spirit" such comfort and hope. Thank you.
