Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Week Ten: Half Way Mark or Almost Done!

Can you believe it? For those of us who are part of the YEAR LONG "Little Changes" Group and have spent the last six months together, we are at the 1/2 way mark. For those who have joined for only one quarter, we are almost finished with our 12 week focus to "Balance Better" using the 8 Daily To-Do's and the premise of change found in my book, Keep The Change:

"Change begins with awareness, it is empowered with admission, achieved with a daily written action plan, and sustained with accountability."

With this in mind, I felt that we need to take a "check up" with any/all who will be on the live call on Wednesday and hear a good report! So bring your "peak" -- the one change that is noticeable, achieved, and sustained over the past weeks or months. I love great reports and because I know you are watching, listening, and counting on me, I have seen some great changes in my own life!

I will bring a short devotional to end our call with the challenge, as always, that it is not too late to change nor is it every time to give up!

Be encouraged,



  1. WOW!
    Thanks Robbie for tell us about your sucess.
    I am so encouraged to keep trying when you shared about putting a "good intention" to a time. Or on a time. That makes it an action.

    and Laura....sounds great about the jobs. And I also have a problem with keeping orgonized but as time with this group. Its realy seems true that GOD can help us in our daily strugles.

    And those that are doing what they realy want to do when they want to do it. The wt lose for Carol and I forgot your name ....12 pounds thats so wounderful......


  2. I hope to have some more breakthroughs that become habits. Little by little we all can talk to God and realy realy get answers. This is new to me to have a change in an area in my life that I strugle to get undercontrol.

    WAted to report that I did fill in my calander which is a new idea for me.

  3. I was encouraged by the sharing on today's call.
    I failed to mention, hubby and I have been walking every single night after dinner. Of course, having a new puppy who needs to get rid of some energy...well, that helps.
    Blessings on your trip Becky.
    You've really shown me that God guides, sometimes into places we never expected or planned on. I know with my new job, this is way beyong what I ever would have considered, yet it fulfills my request of HIm that He let me work from home and still be able to attend my Bible studies and work on my own two businesses.
    Ever looking for the daily marching orders....

  4. PS Accountability wise, please pray that I will focus on working four hours per day on both jobs, so that I still have time for my business stuff but more important so I get out of the office and away from my computer.
    I can easily see this taking over, if I do not really watch my time. Both jobs expect about two hours per day, and I need to follow that and not sit here endlessly.
    I am very weak in this area.......thanks all.

  5. SET AN ALARM; no set 2 alarms!!!!:)

  6. i transfer my scedule to my palm and when it rings i switch to the next task. the alarm and the time limit help me focused. if a task needs more time, i add it later in the day or the next day. its like having a coach move me on.

  7. Thanks Paige. I Have an old but functioning Palm. In fact I just reloaded the calendar page of it the other day on my computer desktop.
    I may just give your idea a try.
    The first job I have to record my exact times for, so that's no problem. The other job, they are not interested in my hours, but expect two per day. That would work with your idea!
    Blessings, and thank you.
