Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Week Nine: Establish Accountability

I almost feel as if I sound like a broken record BUT I am committed to the concept that change--true and lasting change--is best achieved, more easily attained, and ultimately sustained when we are accountable to others.

Accountability includes: support groups, sponsors, mentors, coaches, counselors, spouses who are willing, prayer partners, or even automated ringer/reminders! (A recent Stanford University study revealed surprising results on the power of even subtle accountability -- see my Little Changes Big Results blog this week for more information.)

Who is your accountability partner for (1) weight management--everything from healthy eating to exercise, (2) spiritual growth--including the mastery of daily time alone with God, (3) the taming of your temperament--anger, anxiety, etc., and/or (4) the fulfillment of the dreams God has put in your heart? It might be one person for/in each area or the same person for all, but the power of accountability is to ASSURE you that you are being honest with yourself, achieving your stated goals (rather than sabotaging them), and encouraging you as you reach small victories and pursue the end goal.

Please, please, please brainstorm this week WHO the people are in your life who walk with you to the finish line!?

I consider myself one of those people, but the more direct contact you have with your accountability partner (phone calls to responding to blog assignments) increases your ability to achieve your goals in a timely manner.

Be encouraged,



  1. Thanks for this weeks assignment.
    I need to get re-focused. Have been very sick with a cold.

  2. I have to thank you for last week's assignment. Really, for making us look ahead this whole past year or so. I have moved through a very stressful time very easily just because Becky has taught us about one week at a glance, one day in advance, most important now, and one month in advance. I am planning ahead and it really works! I leave for a trip in a few days, and instead of being up late the night before packing, I am almost totally packed today. Unheard of in my past!!! I have June pretty much figured out already...amazing. I really like this planning ahead! Getting up early every morning and having my prayer/quiet time has made a HUGE difference in my day. Now that my children are out of school for the summer, this time to myself with the Lord is even more important. I think more clearly and am peaceful throughout my day. This is only due to my seeking Him every day.
    Now, accountability partners I am praying about. I don't have any in place right now, but have some on my heart to ask. Just need a little more guidance from the Lord and then make the phone calls. Thank you Becky!

  3. Becky, I like the way you indicate that Accountability is not just one person but can be so many other things or groups.
    Also, your question on who or what our partner may be in different areas.
    I have a little difficulty regarding dreams and goals, because no one around me really believes I will accomplish things I want to accomplish in that area. All I hear is, you say you're going to do it but you wont.
    Or, if it will make us money, go do it now!
    Not exactly helpful is it?

  4. I pray for your recovery Mickey; I pray you find daily quiet time Hugbear; and, I pray that others share my belief in you Laura/Emmab!

    Although you do not know me and I am never "live" on a call, you are all my accountability partners.

    Thank you all, including Becky!


  5. Dr. Daniel Amen is the author of Change Your Brain, Change Your Life and other books.

  6. Thank you Becky! Was trying to explain the Ants example to someone and needed that reference!

  7. Well I wrote a very long post and lost it. I will have to redo it in the morning as now I am too tired to rethink. I will have to say that I was encouraged by the end of it. Accountablity is huge! I need it in all areas of my life.
    Micky, hope you are feeling better. Have you asked the people on your heart to be your accountability partners?
    Hugbear, Loved your post about planning. You are so right!! Hope you had a good time on your trip.
    Laura, Hang in there, take baby steps with someone who can help don't believe the lies that you can't do it because you can have dreams that will be achieved.
    Pam, Beautiful thoughts, you have the gift of empathy. You touch my inner being with your insights and words.
    Encouragement to all to get out there and get people who will support your desire to change. I am excited to think that I can be organized and can be responsible with $ and won't that be nice for my husband to look at the check book and see that I filled it in. Sounds crazy but just by writing all of this I feel encouraged and excited for the dreams that are going to be realized. God bless you all. Robbie

  8. Great post Robbie and all.
    thanks for your support.
    I surely am going to need it.
    I just picked up a second Internet job, helping market a locally made low sugar diabetic friendly product. But the more jobs I pick up, the more frustrated I get trying to figure out how to fit personal time back in.
    Boy, I need this group.

  9. My guess is that there is a limit to the length of a comment which is why on occasion they are "lost" -- that seems to be the common thread with lost posts...so you can post in sections or copy the content before posting to save your work. Sorry:)

  10. Becky...you are not a broken record...we need to keep hearing this over and over until it settles in our brains to cause change!!! (at least I do!)
    I have been gone the last few weeks, so glad to get back and read the posts. I really need to go back over the forgive section! I went on a week long big church group trip to SanAntonio, TX. I really overreacted to two girls that were excluding my daughter. I ended up causing more drama, and should have just taken my feelings to the Lord! I did apologize and ask for forgiveness...but I do find it hard to ask. Maybe it is pride, but no matter how those girls acted, I can choose how I respond, and I definitely did not handle it in the best manner. So glad God's mercies are new every morning!

    Victory: I did make time to exercise on my trip. One day after eating at McDonalds and waiting for our bus to fill up with gas, I walked around the outside for 15 minutes. I also, got up two mornings and walked, and even one night at midnight, I exercised in the hotel workout room. It felt great!

    Thanks for this accountability group. Even though I have been out a few weeks, not a day goes by that I do not see progress or think about this group and something I have learned, heard, or read.
