Sunday, March 28, 2010

April 1st, 2010 -- Take an Inventory

Welcome new and old coachees!

This week, please take an inventory of your life physically, emotionally, spiritually, and mentally.

Where are you today? Where would you like to be on/by June 30?

1. What do you weight today __________ ? (If you lose 1 pound a week, you'll weigh 12 pounds less at the end of June!)
Please weigh in weekly--on Wednesdays!
2. What little change do you KNOW will have the biggest result in your personal life if you make it? __________________
3. Do you need to make any amends to start this quarter with a clean heart and mind? If so, with whom? ____________
4. What dream in your heart will not go away? ________________________________________
5. What is your greatest gift that you can give away? _________________________________ (time, skill, friendship, art, etc.)
6. How long would it take for you to clean your closet? _______________________________ Are you willing to do that before our first call on 4/7/10? Please give any clothing away that you no longer wear or need.
7. Do your sleep habits need to improve? Are you getting 7 hours of sleep minimum? Will you plan for your sleep this quarter? Circle YES or NO. (Note: Sleep deprivation creates many problems; if you need to watch less TV, do it!)
8. If you struggle to spend time daily with God, would you be willing spend 20 minutes daily with Him this quarter? If so, how and when will you do this? If you need a Bible reading plan, please read 1 CH of Psalms and Romans daily.
9. Do you have anything that you or others might say (or have said) is an addiction? If so, are you willing to go to a support group weekly (includes Weight Watchers, AA, SA, etc.)? If so, please research where groups meet regularly in your church or community and attend one meeting before our first phone call.
10. Do you have a friend who would be your accountability partner during this quarter? (They don't have to be in our group, but they must be willing to check in with you every 24 to 72 hours to ask you these or other predetermined questions every week!) Who might be that person for you? __________________________ Please call and ask them if they are available/willing before our first phonecall.

This is just a start! We are going to get serious about bringing balance into every area of our lives! Okay? You don't have to post all these answers, but it would be great if you did! At best, please print this and fill out during this week and before our first Wednesday noon call on 4/7/10 (Free Conference call info to follow.)

Be encouraged!
