Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Week Four: Talk to God, Listen to God!

This area of my life--the spiritual--determines how well-balanced the rest of my life will be: physically, emotionally, and mentally. After about 7 years of being a Christian who was too busy, too tired or too lazy to pray, I realized that UNLESS I made time for God in every day, every day was going to be chaotic.

On our call this week, I will just give you my favorite quotes on why talking to God and listening to God can be the best part of everyday!

Don't miss it!


Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Week Three: Forgive and Give

I call this page in the CYL Daily Journal (the Emotional page which has 2 daily entries: forgive and give), "the 12 steps in 2 steps." Why? The progress of the 12 steps is to walk you through dependence upon God for your addiction and eventually serve or sacrificially give back to others who are hurting.

Forgiveness is not an option if you want to honor God and live with a clean heart and conscience. It is also the hallmark of a Christian. It is something that God wants us to exhibit, embrace, and exchange regularly with those who have hurt us.

And giving is an activity that forces you to think about others in such a way that frees your own heart and mind (from worry, self-centeredness, fear, self-pity, etc.).

Of course, to ignore or resist these emotional healing activities only delays recovery, peace, and transparency.

We'll discuss these 2 action steps on our call. Your assignment this week will be to identify (1) anyone you need to forgive or ask to forgive you, and (2) consider how you might "comfort others in the way that you have been comforted."

Be encouraged,


Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Week Two: Eat Right and Exercise Regularly

The majority of us want (or have) to lose weight. Women, new studies report, need to exercise up to one hour a day if they want to maintain their ideal weight unless they will be very intentional about their eating plan. In other words, exercise will burn calories and improve your cardiovascular system, but it can only help you reduce IF you are eating to fuel your body. Otherwise you will be exercising just to burn the excessive calories you might be eating on any given day.

If you are 20 or more pounds overweight, you must seriously find and implement an eating plan that is right for you. Height, genetics, activity level, personality will all impact how fast you burn calories or how quickly your body shape might change...but eating right and exercising regularly must go hand-in-hand as a way of life if you desire to weigh the same all the days of your life.

My encouragement to you today is:

1. Get a Plan and Work it.
2. Get an Accountability partner and check in daily or weekly.
3. Talk to your family about your goals and needs.
4. Keep a food and exercise journal. (It doesn't lie.)

Does a healthy body matter? Does a fit person have a better quality of life? How can you move from obsession with fitness into a balanced, disciplined life.

Let's talk about it this week.

Be encouraged,


Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Week One: The 8 Daily To Do's

With a fresh start, I'd like to ask each of you to reflect upon how you might live a balanced life this quarter. The way I've been able to do this over the past decade is to give myself a 8 "things" to do each day that I KNOW lead to balance, health, and peace (in a crazy, troubled world)!

If you have never seen/done the 8 Daily To Do's, I've posted them on the banner so you can see them ALL QUARTER LONG. Knowing them is one thing--doing them is another.

Wednesday I'll give you my "pep" talk!

Be encouraged,
