Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Final Week: Final Call!

Please post one statement that captures your Quarter Two Series: Balance Better experience.

For me, I've found myself more inclined to give as a result of following the 8 Daily To Do's. When I follow the routine of including all 8 "to do's" in my daily life, my weaknesses are exposed and I can be proactive. (For example, I attended my husband's tri-annual family reunion and found myself much more willing to encourage my husband's relatives. I looked for opportunities to pray with them or sit and chat, hug and play games, rather than reading a book by the pool.)

Balance for me is minimizing my weaknesses!

I hope you've been encouraged this quarter. Quarter 3 will include 7 days of assignments each week. You will be most successful if you keep a journal. I am looking for regular feedback. Boot Camp with Becky will be more intensive than the previous 2 quarters which is strategic--if you're going to change your body, mind, soul, and spirit, you're going to have to do some work!

Be encouraged,



  1. Enjoyed hearing those changes that will have big results.
    Thanks Becky for all your help, and looking forward to boot camp........I think....maybe....we'll see.....

  2. Thanks Becky, for the life example! As I reluctantly prepare to attend a family reunion you have given me encouragement to "go the extra mile" with relatives that need attention, conversation, and prayers. Happy Fourth! Pam

  3. I just listened to the playback, I had to go out of town unexpectedly and missed the live call. (boo hoo) I thought it was funny that I said out loud we lost Becky she'll be back as if I was on the call. How I love hearing your familiar voices. Mickey, your phrase, "from now on" moved me. Not only does it say to ourselves ok I can change and I am not stuck from now on I am going to do....... it tells others that we are not stuck just because I have been a certain way in the past that was then and this is now. From now on I am eating healthy, exercising regularly, paying my bills timely, talking & listening to God daily, focusing more on others than myself, finishing tasks, being organized. I love this phrase, it gives me hope and moves me forward thanks Mickey. Jean, wow, you are encouraging glad to hear that the pounds are continuing to come off. Last summer I signed up for this group and made a commitment to have a healthy eating lifestyle. I do not deviate from that and have maintained my ideal weight for just under a year. I just gave away all my clothes that I was saving just in case. The healthier me is a much better trade off than eating deserts. On my trip I listened to Becky's tape Keep the change, (3rd time) A little pep talk to keep on keeping on. Laura, I love that you are a faithful blogger and life will be better for you, I can hear hope in your voice. Boot camp here we come..... Woo Hoo

  4. Happy 4th of July, Everyone! Quarter 2 was crazy, and I often failed to post, but listening to the recorded calls helped keep me going. I love the "from now on" phrase, too, and will use it as we forge ahead into Q3, and I love hearing from our persistent and consistent caller participants and bloggers. With the daily accountability, Q3 will be the best yet! :-)

  5. "Today is the first day of the rest of our lives!" I like the "from now on" phrase also. I can relate, Wanda, as I did not post much or make the "live" calls, but I have listened to the recorded calls, and I have been encouraged. I even added a profile picture, instead of the smiley face I had. :)

    Victory: I found an accountability partner!!! It came as a surprise, as I did not call or ask this person. Someone told me this girl exercises regularly, so I called to ask if I could join her in exercising. In the process, she called and thanked me for encouraging her, and said she always enjoys our "talks". God prompted me to ask her then...and I heard God speak to me, "This is who you should ask to be your accountability partner." Praise God!

  6. Beth, that's great news. thanks for sharing that.
    I hope some of the others come back for one more visit, and catch your post.
