Monday, June 14, 2010

Week Eleven: Personality Traits -- Yours and Others

In my personal coaching sessions, as well as in the book, Keep The Change, I give women a personality test to uncover their strengths and weaknesses.

We, of course, all have both. But we get better and stronger as communicators at work, with family or friends when we learn to minimize our particular set of weaknesses. (And I reiterate that we call have weaknesses, so one personality trait is not better than another, just different.)

But knowing your primary personality traits, as well as the traits of those around you can VERY QUICKLY change the way you live and love.

We'll talk about the four traits I refer to as:

Sanguine--fun, happy, but forgetful.
Choleric--leader, charger, but can bowl you over (sometimes insensitive).
Melancholy--meticulous, detailed, but sometimes moody.
Phlegmatic--peaceful, easy-going, but sometimes a procrastinator.

We can change ladies!

Talk to you Wednesday (from somewhere in NYC)!



  1. Isn't this fun figuring out which personality type we all are. I have a full schedule until Sunday at which time I am going to do this test. I will let you know what I discover. Looking forward to the end result: maximizing my strengths and minimizing my weaknesses. Yeah! For those of you that do it let me know if it was hard for you. This is my second go at it, the first time I couldn't identify my weaknesses. Watching how I interacted this week I can see that I am different than I thought. So let me know how you do. Be encouraged.

  2. Becky, very fun following you on twitter. Can hardly wait to hear how you liked the play. Wish I was there!! Even with the humidity. We are so spoiled living in Ca.

  3. Wish I had taken it in pencil the first time, but maybe I can just refigure it somehow.
    I looked at my answers in Keep The Change, and it looked like I didnt catch everything.
    Loving the Twitter from NY!!!!

  4. Becky,
    I liked what you said about "harnessing our weekness."
    Also, I looked back on my note and can't seem to find what you said, one time about "Breathing in the holy Spirit and Breathing out ?????.... not sure what you said.
    Thanks also,
    enjoy following you on the Twitter.

  5. I have realized this week how different my daughter and I are. hence, the "conflicts" we often have. It's mainly because of different personalities. thanks for the reminder this week. I have stopped myself about 5-6 times this week from getting angry with her because I have realized that it has to do with a God-given personality trait. It is actually very freeing to be reminded of this.
    Thanks Becky!!

  6. Isn't it interesting when you become aware of a personality trait it shows up everywhere. I gave a joint bridal shower at my house over the weekend. I was watching myself, how I organized the event, interacted with others, and what things I felt I could not let go of. In some ways I was flexible people brought guests that were not invited. We had 3 extra people at a sit down. Not a big deal to me but when someone said they were show up at 10am to help and didn't come until 11am I found myself short with them. Today I had to go to their house and apologize for my bossiness. I hadn't thought of myself as a bossy person but in giving a party I sure was barking the orders. I am excited to look at these weakness of mine and minimize them.

  7. My two biggest weaknesses in the melancholy category.....
    Can get too caught up in details
    Doesn’t do well with change.
